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Our team


Thomas Hebrard


As a student, I carried out archaeological excavations which fascinated me. However, I did not make it my job, but my interest remained intact in this area. Also, I chose to participate in the Archéoverre adventure because of my digital know-how. Currently a trainer and project manager at Cedreo, I develop innovative teaching methods and ensure their animation within this company.

Catherine Hébrard-Salivas

President -Treasurer

Doctor in archaeology, specialist in glass (doctorate carried out under the direction of Danièle Foy and Isabelle Cartron).

Associate member UMR 5607 CNRS-Bordeaux Montaigne University  and a member of the AFAV (French Association for the Archeology of Glass), the AIHV (International Association for the Archeology of Glass), and the SAB (Archaeological Society of Bordeaux).

Glass is a magical material that has always attracted me. Why not make it my specialty? For twenty years, in parallel with  my profession as a history teacher, I devote myself to its study within the framework of archaeological excavations and research in the archives from the 14th century to the 16th century to try to discover the history of these objects.  

Rodrigue Roch


I accompany Archéoverre in its administrative procedures. Historical research has always fascinated me, which is why I am a volunteer in this association. I currently carry out activities within the Orange group, in connection with regulations and institutions.

Lucia Cha

Graphic designer

After the realization of the logo of the association, I accompany Archéoverre in the highlighting of its graphic documents. I am particularly sensitive to design, this is a professional deformation since I am a landscape designer by trade. I exercise  at EXIT Paysagistes where I am in charge of urban and landscaping projects, from the competition phase to the completion of the site works.

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